
December Beading Prompt

Happy Holidays, everyone!  December is hugely busy for most of the populous, no matter which celebration someone takes part in.  So this month I am keeping it pretty short and sweet, so that everyone has a chance to join in if they want to, and still keep up with their Everythings.  :)

But first, an update here on what I managed to do last month - I finally managed to do one of my own prompts!!!  *trumpet flares here*  I finished the cuff I picked up to do AND I started another project that I hope I can show sometime during December.  It was so so so good to get back to things, and to FINISH something!!  There were also a ton of awesome embroidery projects shared in the group - everyone that participated did gorgeous things, and I was so happy to see so many photos.  Here's my cuff done!

On to December!  This month's prompt is make a pendant!  I would say they're fast and easy, but some of the ones I've seen out there are pretty darned complex and amazing, lol! However, you can find simpler ones around, and they might be the perfect thing if you're needing something for a gift.  I wanted to mention that Cynthia Newcomer Daniel has a FREE pattern for a Christmas pendant that she has uploaded to Facebook - I shared the link on my personal page, if you'd like to make one of your own.  Isn't it beautiful?? 

Instead of looking through Etsy and sharing my favorite finds with you this month, I'm challenging the folks in the group to come forward with their favorites and share links.  I'd love to see what you all are loving.

I really hope 2019 is going to be an excellent year for all of us, and that things can be a little more peaceful and a little more easeful.  If I don't get around to writing another post until January, let me wish you a fabulous new year's now.  :)   Happy beading!!  And thank you all for following along for another year's worth of prompts with me, it's been a pleasure.  


  1. Thanks Nancy. I will see what I can come up with for the pendant challenge. I also have almost completed my bead embroidered wings. Hopefully in the next day or two. I've enjoyed this prompt so much that I ordered lots of ultrasuede to go with the many many cabs that I've accumulated and done nothing with lol. Also, thanks to Catherine pretty designs I've bought a few pieces of shibori silk too. I am going to have another look at the Atlantis cuff tutorial I bought from you as well, and I've just bought 2 bead embroidery books. Your new cuff is beautiful and I'm glad to see you back at the beading. Xxxx

  2. Your cuff is WONDERFUL! Happy Holidays!

  3. I have a granddaughter who was married in September so I am on a binge of making her ornament covers for her First Tree! I hope I can participate in the December prompt.

  4. Ooo I love that cuff, I admire anyone that has the patience with those little beads!


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