The collar is coming along. I am creating it in pieces of embroidery, and then linking them together. I only have two components, fringing and a clasp left. So I can almost see the finish line from here! It seems to be taking a very long time, to me, but then I am seeing it come together just as I saw the idea in my mind the first time, and that is a treat. I LOVE being able to come up with a visualization of something and then create it - something I was never really able to do when I was drawing or writing. To me, sculpting something with beads comes much more easily.
I've had a busy week thus far, and forgot several things along the way - calling a friend (oops, still not done), getting the laundry done, staying upright while walking the dogs outside on the ice. However, a skinned and bruised knee is not enough to keep me from beading! (Just put the foot up, angle sideways, and there you go! Not particularly comfy, but it works.) At the very least, I did not fall ON the dog, which is a blessing, as she is a Pomeranian, and would have squished.
Speaking of Olympics and beading (which I was before), I wanted to introduce those of you who aren't familiar with her to Leinaala Mitchell, of BellaBeadjeweled. If there was such a competition, Leinaala would be right there in the top spots. Her work is incredible. She works with deep, rich jewel tones with precise workmanship and produces sumptuous and organic works of art. She is a self taught artist who has been beading for years, and she says that she beads intuitively, letting the pieces grow as they wish. I had to include a few of her works here, my favorites:

Pictured above are her lovely Tango Earrings, the incredibly detailed Mermaid's Ransom, and the gorgeous, organic, and voluptuous Hidden collar. I have such respect for Leinaala as an artist, and she is a wonderful friend, as well, and a member of the Etsy Beadweavers Team. If you have to see more (and I can't imagine anyone who wouldn't want to), you can visit her at, and .
As for me and my collar, keep thinking trees. Lush, dark green leaves and crystals, get the idea! I hope to have another teaser picture soon, but in the meantime, here is a photo of my other favorite tree-related beadwork, Mighty Oak, which features a terrific bead by Lloyd Osborn:
Now, back to the collar. "...and she may make it yet, she only has a couple of curves left to finish this piece..."